Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Some things don't change.

I'm sitting parked in the shade in one of the town parks. I have dropped off one ride and I'm waiting to pick up the next appointment. That raised area with a fence is the town swimming pool. I can hear the music playing and it is pretty much the stuff we listened to at our town pool in the summers growing up. I've even heard YMCA. They still play that some places, apparently. I just heard some mumbled talking, so it seems to be a local radio station. Given the average age in this town, I guess they know their audience.

Sent from my Huawei Mobile


  1. Oldies but goodies! Love that music!

    My favorite swimming pool growing up in Vancouver, BC was the University of British Columbia Aquatic Centre. I don't remember music but I am sure there was some.

  2. Gotta love that music wish we could hear it more, amazing memories !
