Wednesday, December 07, 2016

1,2,3, Start

Mayo took me at my word that I needed to get these 15 treatments started and done by the end of the year.  A scheduler called me right before 4pm yesterday and asked when and where were my preferences.  I said, my preference was just to get finished by the end of the year, make it happen however.  I start tomorrow afternoon. 

I didn’t bounce very well to the news yesterday I am not in the study after all.  Normally I try hard to just let things roll along, but I had a bit of a down day.  So I went up and visited Mom, then came home and defrosted the refrigerator.  I know how to have a good time! 

I am so ready for this to be finished.


  1. You are worrying too much. Millions have been through the process with no problem. I did it 15 years ago, 5 days a week for 8 weeks. The crew was always right on time, and cheerful. In fact, I went back to say hello a couple of times after it was over. Just plan on a nap each day when you get home. It will be over sooner than you think.

  2. Same for me, five days a week for five weeks. They get to be your friends. Day one I thought how am I going to do this everyday but it gets to be routine. The last one is the best one!!!

  3. I understand about cleaning the fridge when you have so many more important things on your mind. Years ago I was home from work for 2 wks with pneumonia, and after a few days of doing nothing I scrubbed my bathroom ceiling and walls from top to bottom! When the going gets tough, the tough get going - just remember that!
