Monday, August 07, 2017

Northern Arizona

On my trip last week we went hiking up in the National Forest on my favorite trail up there.  This is a tank, or water pond, that has water lilies.  I am about a week early as most of them aren't blooming yet.

My friend seemed to enjoy the tours.  I drove home in the motor home without incident.  Then I crashed physically for a few days.  I'm not used to hiking that much.  I'm finally waking up.

The night I got back I was initiated into the local Elks Lodge.  I'm excited to start joining in the activities.

Mom had a skin cancer taken off her face this morning.  She said almost did an entire embroidery putting in the stitches.  All I saw was a large bandage on her face when she came out of the office.  Other than the bandage she didn't seem much worse for wear.  I'll check on her after the numbing wears off.  She may not feel so well at that point.


  1. Beautiful scenery up in Northern AZ. Give your mom all our best wishes!

  2. Nice to hear from you again and that you are getting out and about with your motorhome having fun.

  3. I bet you enjoyed your hike and I hope your mom's wounds heal very quickly.

  4. That looks like a nice spot. More pics?
