Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I'm done with August

Actually I'm done with summer. We need a hard freeze. Now. I walked some things down to the compost pile Monday afternoon. Ok, I haven't mowed the yard for a couple of weeks and it shows, but the grass is still pretty short. Well, I apparently walked through a chigger nest. So, My feet, ankles, and some points north (don't ask) are now itchy. I have pulled out the nail polish, and am taking lots o showers. But, I guess for a few days more I'll just scratch. Then walking to my truck yesterday morning to go to work I walked through a spider web. TOO MANY BUGS OUT THERE.


  1. Bugs, erg. What's that about the nail polish? We don't have chiggers up here.

    I'm definitely noticing the shortening days, cooling nights of August. It's almost a relief to think that the end of the busyness isn't too far away. But I think I'll miss the growing.

  2. Chiggers are small, almost too small to see, bugs that burrow into the skin and cause mosquito-like bumbs. Since the bug (which I'm told is red, my bifocaled eyes don't even try to verify that) is still in there one puts nail polish on the bite to smother the bug. It most likely doesn't do a thing excempt make me think I'm doing somethingk to stop the itch. It is satisfying to scratch off the nail polish once it dries, again feels like I've done SOMETHING.

    Down here in TN the effects of late summer aren't as evident. It is still hot and muggy. Waiting in anticipation for the cold(er) front that will break the summer heat and usher in much cooler weather, like in the mid-80's.

  3. Oof. I don't even like to think about chiggers. At least with mosquitoes you can sometimes hear that distinctive buzz, and occasionally catch one in the act and put it out of your misery. A chigger is like the mosquito's evil cousin.
