Friday, May 20, 2016

RV Pictures–the Before

These are truly ‘Before’ pictures as I have not had time to clean at all.  I’ve been working on getting moved out of the mobile instead.  So, here is the RV:


As you can see, the spare tire is still in the middle of the floor.  I started putting some things up on the bed as I needed to clear them out of the mobile to show it the other day.  I’ll have a memory foam mattress up there, but I’m sleeping on it currently so it will be one of the last things to go in.


The kitchen should be adequate for what little cooking I do.  Storage is another matter.


The bathroom is the door in the back, and has a separate shower.  I do need to do some work on the shower before I use it, but all in good time.  When I get up to Payson I can either use Mom’s shower or the one in the community room until I get the small cracks sealed in mine.


Everything else is status quo around here.  I make small loads to storage, and a few to donate.  It is slowly clearing out here.  My goal is to have most of the stuff in storage by the end of the month.  Then concentrate on the RV.  If I sell the mobile, then the plan speeds up.  I have places I want to go starting the middle of June, so I will plan to be ready to pack up the cats and leave by the 15th of June or thereabouts.


  1. Deadlines can be good at getting us in gear. At least they are for me. Good to have lunch with you today.

  2. Deadlines can be good at getting us in gear. At least they are for me. Good to have lunch with you today.

  3. Everything will come together and you will be "on the road" to new adventures. I'm excited foryou.

  4. It will be so nice to finally hit the road, just keep plugging away.

  5. I love these old wishes!

    ~Have a lovely day!

  6. Looks great, you will love the adventures it will bring!

  7. It looks in great shape inside.
    I would love to have a couch to relax on. I find I don't use a dinette, the table just gathers stuff. But a desk top would be awesome. The possibilities look endless in your new little home. The great thing about having one without a huge financial investment is you can really make it your own.

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