Friday, February 08, 2019

No Words

This had been a difficult week for some of us in BloggerLand.  I know of 3 bloggers who have died this week, two of which I had followed their lives for a few years now.

I don't know when I first found him but his son was still alive.  That whole, left the moment his last cancer checkup was finished and headed out for the unknown nomad life, made an impression on me.  It took me a few years, but I followed his example.  Up to and including the cancer part as it turns out.

That one breaks my heart for them.  As a loner with a long list of failed romantic relationships I can only watch from the sidelines of long term marriages such as theirs.  Cancer took him.  I have no words

One thing that being a part of the blogger world has taught me.  I can no longer ever wonder Why Me??? when negative things happen.  I only think most days of just how blessed I am.  As I was pondering this post I looked out and the Fire Rescue paramedics were next door and took my neighbor away.  He seemed awake and not on any IV's or anything.  I don't know my neighbor, or any of the story.  I do know that when I hear a siren or see the paramedics I know that someone is having a much worse day than I am. 


  1. Yes, that is for sure. No matter how bad a day we are having, someone, somewhere is have a lot worse day than we are. Yep, we need to count our blessings.

  2. I am sorry for the loss of your Cyber friends. Many times our fellow bloggers become like family members. We read their blogs and follow them for years developing a strong bond.
