Saturday, June 23, 2007


I am reading blogs on my computer this morning. One of my favorites, MadcapMum finally came out of hibernation to write again. Lloyd has a wonderful writeup of his solstice paddling evening, and Earth Home Garden had a list of comic mishaps that have overtaken his mornings lately. Me? Well, I'm reading other folks' journals. Not a lot going on. My summer lack of energy and apparent inability to get anything done has kicked in. If I remember right, from my last year's journal, my mind should return to me sometime late August. For now I'm just trying to keep up with the really urgent stuff. And I'm not doing a very good job of that.

I went on the hammock hanger's campout a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoyed myself. I enjoyed the people and the place, which was Hot Springs, NC. The hammock and I need more time to sort things out. It was not bliss at first night, as some like to report. It wasn't bad, just not noticeably better than my tent. And, this setup is heavier than my ultra-light tent, too. However, the fun of home made gear is calling, so I may work my way into this. I have the parts now to put what is called a ring buckle system on the hammock. It is an easier way to quickly attach the hammock to the trees. It is also portable enough that I can move it to whatever hammock I end up with. It is back to learning knots for me, as when I was playing with some cord last night trying to tie them from memory, my memory didn't work well. The rings attach to the hammock with some kind of knot, and I need to play to figure out which one I want to use. This is the attraction for me, the playing around with the gear.

Time to stop reading and start moving.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Oh, and another cool thing...

Last night I met some friends for dinner. I had initiated it since I don't seem to see these folks much anymore. Besides, they helped me move, and I had never gotten back around to inviting them to dinner as a thanks (which would really just be an excuse to see them anyway). So, I pondered back and forth that I should pick up the tab, and that I didn't have to, and how I'm so used to being poor, and how I'm so tired of feeling like I don't have money when in reality I do have money in my account there just are several places I could spend it easily... I decided in the end that I wanted to treat them. I wanted and needed to feel like I could do it, and had more than enough in the account to do so. I needed to feel not poor for once.

I had a good time and enjoyed the conversation. Catching up was good. Picking up the tab and feeling like I could leave a nice tip for out enthusiastic (if inexperienced) waitress. All in all a good evening.

Today I got a totally unexpected check in the mail for almost 4 times what I spent on dinner last night. Something about an incorrect figuring in my mortgage at initiation, and figures being stated incorrectly. I'll call them about it soon to see what it was. But...

All my learning in Unity Church about not being in a 'poor' mindset, but rather being in a generous mindset, and knowing that the Universe will provide seems to be tapping me on the shoulder again. Time to look up and stop being so pathetic. I have what I need, and then some.

I'm still alive

I haven't posted in awhile. I'm ok, just going through change, and that takes a lot of energy out of me. While hiking, that morning while laying in my tent, some owls were hooting at each other around daybreak. Then, one landed in the tree above my tent - I could tell cause it made drops of water fall onto the tent - and started hooting right next to me. It was cute for a few minutes, then I wished he would go someplace else to make all that racket. Later in a journal on Trail Journals someone related that owls signify change coming. So, I've been ready for it, sort of. Nothing monumental yet. I thought I might have another job (again), but basically the conversation went along the lines of how they would really like to have me, had work for me, but can't quite justify it yet. sigh.

I probably won't post much more about the hike. It seems time to move on. I posted enough for me to remember it. This next weekend I'll be in Hot Springs, NC for a hammock hanging convention. I will hopefully learn how to hang my camping hammock and even sleep in it all weekend. I'm taking Friday off work and taking my time driving over there. I need a nice road trip. Not sure how I'll spend the majority of my time there, but I'm sure I'll have fun.

The drywall patch is up, taped and mudded on the bathroom side. I haven't put up the larger piece on the bedroom side yet. Just feel like I'm stuck in molasses with the remodel. It is progressing, but slowly. There seems to be a reason for this, but I'm not sure what it is.

My summer lack of energy is in full swing. And since Sunday I have had actual symptoms of alergies. I'm blowing my nose all day long, had a sore throat at first, and thought it was a cold. It isn't getting worse or better, so I've decided it is alergies. Makes it difficult to work, blowing my nose all day long.

I'm feeling that crowded, uncomfortable feeling that I usually feel right before big change. The smaller changes, while being entertaining, don't feel like 'it' yet. Not sure what 'it' is, but I'm starting to feel more and more ready. That is if I just had some energy.