Lorne Green of A Place Called Away (link) hosted last year’s Bloggerfest. He is not sure he will be down in January to host it again this next year. I will be in Quartzsite, and I am a big fan of Bloggerfest. I still have the original signs to post. I’m wondering if I’ll be at the shelter all alone consoling myself with a large coffee because no one else shows up. If you are interested, please comment here to let me know. I’ll see what it takes to reserve the shelter. I personally would like to see it continue, but I know several of the folks who showed up to the first two didn’t show up last year. Let me know in the comments. Also, please post in your blogs to let others who don’t read me here to let me know.
What is Bloggerfest? It is an afternoon get together the last weekend of the Big Tent in Quartzsite, AZ in January of the folks who ether write blogs or read blogs about RV’ing. Or, any other subject, for that matter. We bring something to munch on, and cards with our blog links listed if we have blogs. We mostly sit and talk, introduce ourselves, and finally meet in person the people whose lives we read about in their blog. I have very much enjoyed the two I have attended.
So, let me know, so I know how big a mug of coffee I will need to console myself with.