Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Life in Progress

The bike is back in the storage unit again for now, albeit nearer the front this time.  I ran down to Algodonez, Mexico last Thursday to get my first prescription.  I’m officially an Arizona retired stereotype now.  Smile  I let my prescription for my thyroid medicine run out by not remembering that the last refill needed to be done before the end of last month.  I’ll start the Mexican drugs after I run out of what I have.  I’m not expecting any issues.

After that I’ve started getting ready for Mom and I to drive to MO again, and head up to visit our friends in MN as well.  We are taking my car.  I needed to get a lot of details sorted (the medicine was only one of them) and we leave tomorrow morning.  I’m mostly packed, and if there is a break in the light rain soon I’ll put my stuff in the trunk.  Some of Mom’s stuff is already in the back seat.  We are taking coolers, sandwiches, water and Cokes.  Bosley will be watched over and fed by a neighbor.  I have plenty of food for him in the house to cover the time I’ll be away.  He won’t like it that I’m gone.  He is supposed to be my primary focus at all times, as far as he is concerned.

I’ll try to post from the road.   I don’t expect a lot of tourist stuff to happen, but who knows.  We really don’t have a schedule.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wednesday Progress

I’ve been knitting on the shawl, and I’m about half finished.  I am at the end of the first skein, and it looks like it will take two skeins of this yarn to get the shawl to the size I want.


For those who care, if you click on the picture it is not fuzzy in the full size version.  I’m not sure what the issue is with the thumbnail version in the actual blog text.

In my quest to go through the things in my storage unit, this is the week I took the bicycle out and set it up to ride. 


It was buried under ‘stuff’. 


The bicycle itself is now good to go, but my body is not.  I can make it a very short distance before my knees let me know it is time to stop.  I’ll ride a bit every evening or so to see if I can build up to enough distance to make it worthwhile to keep the bike.  This is the second bike I’ve bought as an adult and then not ridden.  I would really like to make a go of it this time.

I have downloaded some apps to my smartphone that I’m enjoying.  Daily Art is fun, especially as Turtle Lady is an artist and there is a chance we will make it to an art museum if/when she makes it out here in January.  Maybe I can be conversant (slightly) by then.

I also downloaded Grasshopper, which is a beginners app to learn javascript (a programming language).  It is fun so far (2 days in) and gives me something to do when I am just sitting on the couch.

I’m cleaning the car and starting the packing for our trip back East to MO and MN next week.  I do a bit each day so that by the time we leave I hope to not leave anything important behind.