I posted most of this as a comment to Kathy in the previous post. There are some who insist that Bloggerfest is over, not needed, dead, just stop. It is boring, the circle introductions are tacky, etc. My reponse:
I am keeping in mind that those who has been saying that Bloggerfest has 'run its course' have access to a welcoming Happy Hour EVERY DAY. Bloggerfest is for those of us who don't have that. I think that more than one gathering is a good idea, so everyone gets the sense of community that they need. This particular gathering is for those who aren't maybe as rigged in as the Canadian group. It also is a way for the Canadians to meet some of the rest of the bloggers.
I said that I will be there with the signs next year. If I sit there drinking my coffee looking out at the mountains all alone, well, I would still call it a good day.
I believe it is for the people who put energy into putting it on to decide if it is worth their time to continue. The reports of Bloggerfest's death are greatly exaggerated. If no one else shows up next year so be it. I'm not attempting to compete with the Canadian gatherings, either the Canadian pot luck in town or the Happy Hours.
I extend my sincere thanks to Rick Rousseau for getting everyone and their blog accounted for in his blog entry. I will make the time to add all of them to my sidebar. That is the type of detail that I am not good at.