Friday, November 30, 2012


I'm in a kind of strange place right now. I'm constantly thinking how easy life is down here while at the same time so ready to get back to the US. I'm planning my next vacation for February. That ties in with the fact that right now, as I type, all credit cards are paid off. All balances at zero. I also made a large payment to the Jeep, hopefully the next one will pay it off. I will put the plane tickets on a credit card, but that will be paid off next paycheck as well. So, things are coming together. Finally. I'm giving myself December off in a way, no expectations, just enjoy the here and now. In January I start seriously looking for work back in the States.

I turned electricity on at the house in Nashville, talked to the codes folks who had been pretty much forced to condemn the front deck, and am moving along on the process of getting the house sold. That will impact the total debt free part. If I have to put mega bucks into the house to sell it (an oxymoron) I may not pay off the Jeep next month. Whatever, it is almost a done deal which ever way it goes.

No big decisions. I am trying to pace myself. I don't want to get too excited about being 'debt free' till I actually get there. For now, life down here is pretty easy.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


In my previous post I mentioned 3 years in Honduras. What I meant is that I am in my 3rd year, 2 years and 2 months at this point. It is my 3rd Holidays here, 3rd time I've celebrated Thanksgiving, my birthday and Christmas in Honduras. So, it doesn't seem like it's been 3 years that I've been here because it hasn't... yet...

And, I have a report that the tenant is gone from my house and it doesn't look from the outside as if they did any damage. Woo Hoo!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Turkey Day

I don't mean to be MIA. Just not a lot going on. I'm getting the apartment cleaned and sorted. I'm paying off debts. I'm just passing time until I am ready to start the process of heading back to the States. I'm ready. I can't believe I'm in my 3rd year here. The 3rd Thanksgiving down here. Soon, the 3rd birthday, the 3rd Christmas. This is a nice enough place to spend the Holidays, so I'm not complaining. I don't know any other way I would be this far along on paying off my debts. The tenant in my house in Nashville was court ordered to be out by midnight last night. No report yet if he actually left. I'll find out probably tomorrow. So, peanut butter sandwiches, Healthy Choice microwaved vegetable soup, and coffee is the food of the day so far. Works for me.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Back in school

I am actually enjoying my crypto class at I just watched two lectures on discrete probability. I probably haven't looked at anything close to that in over 25 years. And, I really did enjoy it. I'm not sure I learned anything I didn't already know other than the notation symbols.

This is a new-to-me listing of free offerings. I haven't explored them yet. The class on discrete probability was recommended in the forums of my current class. I'm bookmarking this. The Web Applications section looks like something I need to go through to do if I want to really do my own web-based blog.

The rest of my life is going ok. Got the apartment cleaned up. I have a 3 day weekend coming up for Veterans Day. I'm not traveling any until after the end of the year. Instead I'm doing on-line classes. :) What the heck, they are free and it keeps me out of trouble and away from the on-line shopping.