I'm fine. I am having connection issues this year, so my time online has been cut down. I'll try (again) to do better.
I appreciate everyone who came to Bloggerfest. One of the things I appreciate about this more or less mobile life is the sense of community. Between blogs and get togethers I feel connected to folks almost as much as when I lived in a sticks and bricks house and worked and lived in a constant community. One of the things I'm not good at is doing the front end work of publicizing Bloggerfest. George always took care of getting the word out about it, and I just showed up with the signs. I am very much not the first to keenly miss George, for many reasons besides his gift for letting folks know about Bloggerfest. Hopefully next January our Canadian friends can join us again, and I'm going to ask others to help get the word out.
I have a new puppy named Callie. She turned 4 mo old this past Monday. It is a challenge to give her the guidance she needs. I'll put pictures up soon. I'm constrained in that by the fact that my phone pictures are too large to post directly to Blogger. I'm looking for a new laptop as my main machine is having issues staying connected. Then my 20+ pound cat, Bosley, used the open laptop as a route to stay high and out of the way of the new pup. The keyboard is now toast. I now have a separate keyboard hooked up, and I'm slowly moving primary work to my small netbook. It is all a work in progress.
I am making slow progress on clearing out my stuff. I'm getting more and more ready to let go of things that I do actually like, and enjoy owning. Most of it is things that don't work in my current life. Also, most of my stuff is not high end, expensive things. I tell myself that I give myself permission to buy a replacement of at least as good a quality, if not better, if I actually need something again once I get rid of it.
An example of what I just said is that my front air conditioner quit working at the end of last summer. I have put off getting it fixed as I have been getting by on the rare times I've needed it by using the rear air conditioner. It cools the bedroom off nicely, but the front of the coach stays hot. Since I'm needing it badly already in February I was about to call in the service tech. However, I really don't want to put a lot of money into the motorhome any more as it is having issues that show that I will need to replace it in a few years. My answer is that I just ordered a portable 110V rolling air conditioner/heater that is a heat pump. I'll need to move things around to make room near a window to vent it, but when I move to a different RV, it can come with me. The part I could be unhappy about is that Mom had a really nice one that I sold for her a few years ago when she went into her apartment and no longer needed it. Oh, well, they still make them and my new one will be here Saturday.
My other news is that on Monday, at 3:45 am I received my first of two Covid immunization shots. I'm scheduled to receive the second on March 15 at 5:30 am. The stadium in Glendale, AZ runs 24hrs a day giving shots. Mom received her first shot on February 4, and is scheduled for the second on March 4. Her shots are at a reasonable time of day, and are up in Payson, where she lives. Arizona does seem to be doing this right.