Saturday, May 12, 2012

From December, 2006

I had just moved into the house I'm desperately trying to get out of now, in Nashville:

"About a year and a half ago I looked at the ladder of progress I was climbing and realized a few things. First of all, I was not really climbing anymore. I was at a standstill. A post on a message board I hang on talked about how you can't steer a stationery ship, so even a move in the wrong direction is an improvement. I also realized that one reason I was at a standstill was that the ladder was leaning on the wrong wall. It wasn't going anyplace I really wanted to go after all. So, it was time to make a change. I certainly didn't think it would take this long. It was a very deep and comfortable rut I had to blast myself out of. Now that the ship is moving, it is time to start steering it again."

So, over 5 years later I'm still looking for the right wall. But, at least I have some clearer notion of what wall I'm looking to climb. And the places I've steered my ship to and around have been an interesting trip so far.

This is what can happen while copying off an old blog to save.


  1. Well you sure did make some big changes in your life. Your ship took a big turn and wound up down in Honduras.

  2. Sometimes it is good to look back in order to see how far we have come.
