Saturday, August 17, 2013

Beginning the blog changes

I don't have photo editing software on the laptop. If I did I would have cropped out the date on the header picture. My home isn't in this picture, this is the main cross street looking toward the Superstitions. I'll work on the rest of the pictures, but don't hold your breath.


  1. If I remember correctly, there was a casino just down the road from where you are. Have you been there yet and if so, have you won a lot? That is a lovely looking park. You picked a nice spot.

  2. DD: There is a casino just down the street from anywhere in Mesa. :) I've been to most of them, and not won much. Having to cut my casino time back drastically.

  3. I love the can go here...and upload and edit your photo if you want...

    ~Have a lovely day!

  4. I use PhotoScape because it is free and works well.

  5. Glad you are beginning to implement the changes. Like all the palm trees in the new header picture.

    Looking forward to seeing the pictures of your new home.

  6. Trust me...Nothing easier and fun than a site called PicMonkey. I love the site...and it's Really easy and Free!

  7. Picasa is also FREE. If I can download and install it you certainly can - I'm not gifted in using electronic devices.

  8. Looks like a very nice place but what makes it a great place is its yours.

  9. I kinda like Picasa myself. It lives on your computer, but also has a web component for adding to your blog. And, Google owns it, so using it with Blogger is pretty straightforward.
