Tuesday, December 03, 2013


I will admit the primary reason I'm updating is that my blog list along the right side of the page isn't refreshing. I mean that other folks' blogs aren't refreshing for me, showing the list from yesterday. This happens sometimes. I can't seem to get it to update. I'm hoping that if I make a post it will jog it. Not a log going on as I'm in the middle of switching shifts again, back to nights. I only work and sleep when I'm doing that. I did start knitting a sweater again with the yarn I was looking for awhile ago. I was starting socks as a learning project, but with the sweater weight yarn and making up the pattern as I went to adjust they were going to be way too large. So I ripped them out and started the sweater. Now I've decided to make some cotton knitted dishcloths for my neighbors for Christmas, so the sweater may go to the back burner. I really like the yarn, though, so I'll probably sneak a row in occasionally. Now to post and see if this worked. *UPDATE* It worked. I have a refreshed blog list. I actually use my sidebar list to read the blogs, and use the blog lists of those I read to wander further. I don't 'follow', I go the the blogs and read. Just how I roll. I hope folks don't think I'm any less loyal for doing it that way.


  1. Not all the blogs that I follow show up on my side bar, but they all show up on my Blogger Dashboard.

  2. I just read and don't follow either. I never could see any reason to "follow".

  3. I started a blog just to get the list of blogs I read updated, it's a good tool.
    I started enjoying doing the blog, it was a side benefit!

  4. It's a Blogger thing - it will heal itself and things will start looking normal again.

  5. This is about the third time I've stumbled into your blog and realize we may have some things in common .... like knitting. I haven't been doing much lately because of the cold and arthritic hands. Yuck. You said you think you may knit some gift dishcloths. I learned last year doing that that I wished I'd used a lighter weight yarn than the Sugar and Cream (I think it's called) cotton. Both crocheted and knitted dishcloths were thick and dried very slowly. Just a personal opinion. I'm going to start following your blog and you're welcome to check out mine. Happy Weekend from Livingston, TX - for another week!

  6. You left a comment on my blog yesterday about hiking the AT (or any other long distance trail), and I'd like to respond personally but don't have a way to contact you. If you write me, mgypsy97 at aol dot com, I'll be happy to give you my take on it.

  7. Sounds like you are just starting to knit... socks aren't the easiest project to start on... too easy to get discouraged and quit. Have you checked out the "Ravelry" site... great (free) patterns and ideas.
