Activities are moving along quickly. Mom is driving again. I had told her we both needed to put something in the storage unit we had rented just to get started. I went home, puttered a bit, sat down with a cup of coffee. Mom showed up at my door with her keys in her hand saying she had her car loaded, what was I taking? I hurriedly grabbed a box to put in the car, and off we went with her at the wheel. She said it was like she never stopped driving. So, I think the stroke thing is a note in history, something to be remembered and worked around but not really affecting much today.
Another thing I’ll note about Mom is that she pretty much does what she wants and I just follow along and try to help. She has decided she is moving up to Peyson, so I’m trying to make it as easy as possible for her. It is not time for me to interfere in her plans, and I’ll put that off as much as I can. She checked the location of facilities such as the hospital and public transportation for if/when she can’t drive, so I think we are going down a good path for now.
As for me, I’m pulling things out of corners and closets. I’m finding some things that I couldn’t previously put my hands on when I wanted them, and finding other things that I can’t figure out why I put where I did. I am also getting rid of some things. That part needs to move along faster.
I found an older Roadtrec on Craigslist yesterday, and Jim and Sandy met me at the time the seller had agreed to so Jim could check it out for me. The seller never showed, and after several phone calls finally someone else at the number said it had already sold. I’d talked to the seller an hour and a half before the meetup and he had said it was available… So Craigslist folks are as flaky as I’ve heard.