Quick is no where in my lifestyle. I am just now getting organized to post the list of the folks who attended Bloggerfest.
George & Susie Yates Our Awesome Travels
Red & Kay Smith Blog readers from East Texas
Paula/Shadowmoss In the Shadows
Steve & Jane RollingFromWasaga.wordpress.com
Gaelyn/Geogypsy GeogypsyTraveler.com
Rick & Kathy It’s About Time
Tome & Deb Celebrating the Dance
Bob & Stacie Maxx Trails
Dave & Cheryl Our View From Here
Pat & Bill Chilling With Patsy & On Our Way
Shirley & Ken Seeing America With Ken & Shirley
Doug Laning & Yuma MissAdventure Travels
It would be nice if I had managed to provide links to everyone’s blog, but that would have put this post off another week they way I’m going.
I started the Whole 30 food elimination diet yesterday. I have succeeded for a whole day so far. I am not doing it to lose weight, but to see if I have a reaction to any foods I tend to grab to eat. This will hopefully force me to actually buy real food and cook.
I ran up to Payson yesterday to get my inflatable kayak out of the storage unit and visit with Mom. A friend I met at the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous is also staying in this area and invited me to go kayaking this week. I did get hungry while up there. Nothing Mom had to offer was on my diet. I went to Walmart and as I walked out with my small bag of carrots I did whimper a bit walking by the table staffed with Girl Scouts selling their cookies.