Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Breaking Radio Silence

I'm up in my summer spot.  I was immediately knocked to my knees with allergies for the first time in my life.  I blew my nose non-stop for 2 weeks and it took me awhile to get over all the allergy medicine I took trying to control the symptoms.  I have never had to take any of that stuff before.  Anyway, then I had to get back to doing all the stuff that I had not been doing for 3 weeks.  I'm almost back to what passes for normal for me.

I'm doing this post from Blogger rather than email (my preferred way since Live Journal died) as I'm going to have to do some major renovation of my blog.  Photobucket has locked me out of being able to deleted the pictures down to the number they allow in a free account.  I'm going to upload the pictures from May of 2009, when I learned how to insert pictures, until I started using Live Journal which put the pictures in the post without the Photobucket middle man.  Most folks started reading after Live Journal, but my Honduras pictures will have to be re-inserted.  I have the pictures, I just have to get them back into the blog.

It is difficult for me to go back and read my blog.  I have a lot of less than optimal lifestyle decisions going on in there.  I ended up ok, but boy, was it painful at times.  I guess that is the good/bad of having a blog for over 10 years.  I need to get the pictures thing sorted  before June 1 when the pictures become blurred unless I pay them ransom.


  1. Nice to hear from you again. Good luck with your pictures too.

    1. Looks like I have about 3 years worth of pictures to replace. Not as bad as I thought. The post won't look the same, but most folks don't go back and look at that stuff anyway.

  2. Don't you love US Corporations coming up with new, inventive ways to get your $$..??
    Used to you could simply PURCHASE your software for your computer. Now most of the basicly required programs are RENTED, not purchased.
    Sorry about the allergy issues.

    1. Yeah, there are a lot of things I don't use now because I don't like the 'improvements'.

  3. I just use Blogger.com and have no trouble at all inserting pictures anyplace I want them and as many as I want into my blog postings. Can place them left, middle, or right and any size that I want.

  4. I was using blogger and inserting pictures for a long time as well. I'm having a bit of an issue with redoing pictures imbedded with the text wrapping around them. I'll hit it again in a few days. I do know HTML so I think I'll be working in that window in the editor. It is kinda fun.
