Monday, May 27, 2019

I'm in MN

Mom and I got to my Aunt's place. There are a couple of stories, but I don't want to go into it right now. Forgetting about the second hour of time change when looking at radar and planning to out run a storm by less than an hour makes for an exciting trip.

I got into my friends' place about an hour ago and am soon to be fed. I'll stay here for a few days and then go back to MO and visit more with family before heading back to AZ.

Sent from my Huawei Mobile


  1. Glad all is going well there and keep travelling safe.

  2. Hope you can relax now and regroup.

  3. Good to get comfy after outrunning a storm.

  4. Now to rest up for a few days befor you turn around. Travel Safe
