Thursday, January 31, 2013


I can definitely say I was not to the point of being able to pack up in a day. Some progress. Not a lot. I am going to mail a lot of clothes and such, and maybe one of the laptops. I hate to trust it to the APO system, but I don't think I want to carry 4 computers through security at the airport. Most of the issues are timing how to manage the transition. However, there are a lot of folks on-line who do something called the Project 333 where they choose 33 items only to wear for 3 months. I'm managing a lot more than 33 items between 2 checked luggage and mailing stuff. I need to go to post and get more mailing boxes tomorrow and send off the ones I packed up today. Maybe as things clear out I will feel more on top of this.


  1. Do you pack your own boxes, or does the govt contract that with the movers? I would hate for a stranger to pack my computers.

  2. Excuse me for being noisy...but do you have a lot of furniture and clothes to pack or do you rent a furnished apartment?

    I know you mentioned you had a bed to be shipped to the States so was not sure.

    Can you pack at your leisure or will they only pay for it if it is shipping during a certain time frame?
