Sunday, October 13, 2013


I keep unpacking boxes and totes and suddenly the nice mobile home isn't nearly as big as it used to be. So far I've found most of what I missed the most. I just this morning found my smaller slow cooker and rice cooker. My new rice cooker burns the rice, not something I ever had a problem with before. So, the new one will get donated. I've found most of the clothes I've missed, but not all. I have not found my yarn yet.

I am to the point that I need to put a lot away and donate some to make room before I unpack much more. I have only paths in all the rooms. I'm careful to keep track of important stuff, putting it away when I use it so I'm not in total caos. The stuff is getting to me, though. It is a process and I just have to work through it. Again, I read posts about how 'We just sold off all our possessions and now we are SO happy!' and I wonder how that process really went down at the time.


  1. I think some people are just plain fastidious, and I'm not one of them. I've been in my mobile home for 2 yrs and still haven't found places for everything. As long as you have a path into every room and put the important stuff away, I think you are doing great!

  2. "'We just sold off all our possessions and now we are SO happy!' and I wonder how that process really went down at the time." Me too! Because I'm still struggling to get it all unpacked and finding a place for it.

  3. Stuff is the anchor of life.

  4. You are doing fine. In no time flat all will be sorted and put away.

  5. I want to make clear that I'm not referring to bloggers when I talk about people who just get rid of their stuff and life is now perfect. With bloggers, usually we are along for the ride and see how hard it is. Also, most bloggers write because they are talking about real life, which is usually not perfect. My issue is with people who make posts to message boards with the simplistic answer to everything being to just get rid of all your stuff, implying it was easy for them to do. Paring down my stuff is probably a good answer for me, but it isn't easy. DD, yes, stuff is the anchor of life. The question becomes, for me, how much of an anchor I want. The answer a couple of times on the trip out here in the big truck was 'little enough stuff I don't ever have to do this again'.

  6. The downsizing for me was a roller coaster of emotions. At one of our garage sales, I totally broke down crying uncontrollably. Fortunately hubby was able to take over. We have two large storage units packed to the hilt in Colorado. And only now am I wishing I had unloaded more stuff. It takes time to adjust:-)

  7. I got rid of most of my stuff in 2008 when I became a full-time RVer. I have never ceased to regret not putting most of the furniture in storage, and most of my appliances and tools.
