Yesterday I finally downloaded a hiking app and can say I walked .7 miles in and .7 miles out on the trail. This trail walks like a remote woodland trail, but I can hear the traffic from the highway it parallels and I usually meet someone either on the trail or at the trail head. My neighbor who kinda looks out for me is worried about me hiking alone in bear country (it is) and so I reassure him I'm not really out in the boonies.
Last time I met a couple of guys at the trail head getting ready to do a multiple day hike as this trail ends up joining the Arizona Trail and goes as far as you want. I talked to one of them for a few minutes about hiking clothing and various places we had each hiked. This time there was a group setting up a small tailgate base camp and they had matching t-shirts. I asked what the group was and they were support for a friend who was celebrating her 30th birthday by running 30 hours on the trail. She was in hour 27 at that point and due in to their welcoming arms soon. They offered me water and laughed at my amazement for the birthday girl's accomplishment.
Driving shuttle has wound down as the trips either get cancelled or there are no weddings to shuttle for at the even center we drive for. I'm fighting the tendency to just sit on the couch. Wanting to update my progress here is one of the few things that get me up and moving. I have decided on my goal with the walking: 5 miles in and 5 miles out by September 1. Doable, but a stretch goal. I'm going to up the plan to walking twice a week, and try taking Callie dog with me as she will need to be with me when I'm in Utah in September. The primary thing keeping this going is that I truly love walking on the trail.
I'm keeping on keeping on with Duolingo. Another of my stated goals is to manage 7 days straight on Duolingo Spanish. I made it 4 then skipped 2 days. I'm at a 3 day streak this time, so I try to focus on at least making my online time worthwhile rather than vegging on FB videos for hours.