I decided that on June 1st I would cross a chasm in my life. I'm no longer spending my time working out how to get all this stuff done. For decades I've spent my time figuring out how to move this, clear that, organize everything. Now, I will still work on those things, but I'm ready to live my life now.
I think one of the reasons I quit writing here was that it was the same thing over and over. I'm getting rid of stuff. I'm moving from this place to that place and sorting and organizing. I'm cleaning out Mom's stuff. I'm cleaning out my stuff. Over and over, the same stuff. Even I was bored. I declared that I am as finished clearing out Mom's stuff as I'm willing to make that a priority. A bit like when I got divorced. About a year after the (amicable) divorce I realized one day that I had gone the entire day and not had a single thought about how I was 'going through a divorce'. I figured I was finished with that chapter. I was right. Now I am finished 'trying to get rid of stuff'. I'll still get rid of things, still organize, but not at the expense of doing other things.
I'm going to change the header picture as soon as I get the picture off my phone. It will be a trail head. I went up and walked a bit on the Highline trail yesterday. I have a long way to go to feel like I'm in any kind of shape to take long walks, but it is a start. Breathing is my main issue at this point. The trail would be at around 5500' elevation, as it is near the top of the Mogollon Rim. Hopefully acclimation by living here at 5K' elevation for the summer will help that. I have a goal to be able to walk around Southern Utah in better shape on our trip this year than I was last year. One method of approaching goals is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relatable(?), and Time-sensitive. I Specifically want to be able to walk for longer distances. Measurable is a bit hazy, as it now means just further than I can walk now. Achievable is that I'm hopeful that if I walk on the Highline at least once a week this summer I'll improve. I think the R is relatable, in that it relates to my current life. Time-sensitive means I have a deadline. The middle of September is my first trip. And so, now I'm accountable here.
For once I actually have more to write, but I'll post what I've been doing the past few (6? where does time go?) months next time. And hopefully that won't be months from now.
Lots of planning going on. I hope I never have to downsize. I'm going to let my four kids hopefully do it when Dolly and I are gone.