Tuesday, October 05, 2010

I wasn't arrested

Carlos was here to get me this morning and drive me to work.  I got on post with no real problem, different guards with different issues.  Did the morning constitutional to my building, and then got breakfast at the DFac since I was early for work.  Busy day, lots went on.  I'm tired tonight, and I'll try to catch up tomorrow.  Turtle Lady said I needed to let folks know that I wasn't in jail at least.  The bosses gave me a ride home, and pointed out the sidewalk out of the post that goes on the other side of the drive from the serious Sgt., so I should be good from now on.  Oh, and I don't fall under the rules he was quoting because technically I'm a resident of Honduras.  I don't have residency yet, but I'm in the process.  I actually live down here.  I'm still getting my head around that.  Of all the people I know who were going to 'leave the country' when Bush was re-elected, then the others who were going to 'leave the country' when Obama was elected, I'm the one who actually left.  And it wasn't for political reasons.

One more difference living down here:  Google comes up in Spanish, as do a few other sites.  It can be disconcerting to see a familiar site pop up in a language I don't understand and have to go from memory of what is where.  I'll be glad when I speak Spanish...


  1. Have I missed the pictures , if any, that you have posted from down there?

  2. Nope, no pictures yet. I don't have an IPhone down here. My new $15 camera does have a phone, though, so I may see if I can email pictures to this blog. I do have a camera but I don't like the pictures it takes. Must be the camera, ya know...

  3. I got it turned around up there, my new $15 phone has a camera, although it could be the other way around I guess...
