Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Movin' On Up... again

Home is where the internet connection resides. That moves to the new place this afternoon, so by definition, so do I. I am packing up the computer and router as soon as I finish this. Hopefully by this evening I will be set up in the new place. One consideration is that with only one chair and two places, at what point do I move the chair. I think I'll leave it here this trip as moving items down the steps wears me out more than just carrying them into the mobile home. I'll need to sit down in a chair here at the apartment to rest. I know, 3rd world problems. :)



  1. Very best wishes with your move and your new home!

    ~Have a lovely day!

  2. I guess you could be glad if your problems are all like this one - where to put the chair!

  3. See little by little things are working themselves out.

    I thought of your mom today when I saw the bad weather in her area. Is she OK?

  4. Thanks for the well-wishes. One of the things I'm looking forward to is a twice weekly 'Hookers' meetup in the community room.

    I meant to say 1st world problem, but, yeah, even I know my problems are trivial compared to many.

    I Skyped with Mom just now after getting online and she is fine. I'll give her a video tour of the place tonight when we have more time.

  5. I am glad to hear your Mom was not affected by the storms :)
