Sunday, June 30, 2013

Prayers for the 19 Firefighters

There is a wild fire in Yarnell, north of Phoenix, that has claimed 19 firefighters' lives. It is 0% contained. 150 homes destroyed (I think). One of my co-workers' wife can see the orange glow on the horizon over the mountains. Currently here at work we are having a dust storm. It is like being in a very dusty convection oven with the dry winds whipping around. I came back into the building after a few minutes as my facination with the weather wasn't as strong as the annoyance of the dust in my eyes. Again, keep the families of the firefighter's in your prayers tonight.


  1. I have been a couple of dust storms and they aint fun. Sorry about the firefighters and all those who lost love ones and homes and possessions.

  2. I am so thankful for firefighters...and so sorry that some have been lost...

    Peace be with you...

  3. That is a real shame. I fill for the families and everyone involved with the fire.

  4. DUH! That should have been FEEL

  5. What tragic news...and the worst part was that they were all so young!

    I feel for the families of the firefighters as well as those families that lost their homes to the fires.

  6. I'm a little concerned because you haven't posted for awhile, hope everything is okay...but I'll be waiting!
